Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Daylily summer in my garden

The most magical time is my birthday. July 5. That day start daylily blooming season in my garden. Even before that day I see some early blooms, but major part of daylilies start to bloom after that day.
Last year my garden seemed amazing.
Those blooms give me a lot work. I maked crosses every day and wait for seedpods. I got them a lot, but past year was not perfect for my daylilies. A lot of rain and then very big heat give seedpods rot and I lost very much seeds and seedpods before they get mature. Well, I am still saved some seedpods and planted seeds in fall at my grandmother garden. Where all those daylilies goes this year.
This is great photo of 'Dacquiri'. One of my favorite composition is when at one time blooming more than one or two blooms. That give me a lot attractive photos. I just love, when sellers add photos with scapes, or like this, with more than one bloom.
So my daylilies have very nice summer last year. So much rain, as we got past year, make them very green and they increased very much. That is good. That mean more blooms and close selling time.

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