Sunday, August 25, 2013

Gladiolus Exhibition 2013

This year, first time in my life I visited exhibition of gladiolus in Panevėžys Gabrielės Petkevičaitės-Bitės library. This exhibition is one of the best gladiolus show in Lithuania. Organizator and hybridizer Dr. Alfonsas Žobakas did amazing job for it. This year gladiolus exhibition reached international level. This year we have gladiolus flowers not only from our members in Lithuania, bu Latvian and Belarus. Latvian hybridizer Laimonis Zakis is known for us, he visited exhibition last year, but this year he came with Raimonds Cīrulis. From Belarus came great person, warm for talks and great for experience to come here from Belarus with gladiolus - she is Alesia V.Kruchonok. And now you can see a part of that exhibition in my photos. Enjoy
Lithuanian hybridizer Danutė Simonaitienė with husband and I with Alesia V.Kruchonok, Belarus.
One of 3 stands in exhibition. What is very great was glass roof which give us best light for gladiolus fowers and that can make us better photos.
This table of gladiolus is our neighbor Alesia V.Kruchonok, Belarus, gladiolus display. Something very nice. One almost green gladiolus still not opened when she pick that on table. Other day that must to look better, but that can see others.
All hybridizers and exhibition visitors gets into motion when seen a Lithuanian politician and Minister of Defense from 2008 to 2012 Rasa Juknevičienė, which very interested in gladiolus hybridizing and our gladiolus hybridizer Ona Dana Bagdonaitė teach her.
And after successful teaching we make a photo with members. From left: Genė Ratkevičienė, Ona Dana Bagdonaitė, Rasa Juknevičienė, Danutė Simonaitienė and me.
And then teacher wanted to take a picture with a "student", she gave on gladiolus from show for first crosses.

That is all from our show in Lithuania. I wish next year I can make an exhibition of irises and daylilies+lilies. But time will shows what will be.
Good luck and enjoy last chance to work in garden before autumn, when days will be rainy and not so warm as now.


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