Friday, June 28, 2013

Big works and lovely results

Curb Appeal

Big Red Vagon
And this is what I want. Clear and nice blooms.
But this post is not about few blooms. About them I wrote in past blog. Now I want to show what I am doing in grandmother garden. I add all photos down there and can see what I done.
First day
Second day
Third day
Some time later
Yesterday, when I work there 5 days. Nice result. 7 beds filled with seedlings. Now just wait for when rain stops and go to work with rock garden. In there you can see in the left of colored rockhill garden empty space to make it bigger.
Mitsu. At least I can see and other fans in bloom. I replanted my variety and plant them in single fans. I make 18 fans. Just few isn't my variety, but siblings. Just mixed when grow close. Now I see just Mitsu blooms.
And this is the best bloom today. This is Ciku Cakas by Bangieris. This lovely teeth daylily show me great color and form this rainny day. I take a picture before the big rain, and now, when I go to look at it, it is the same. No water damage. I don't take a photo, because it is still raining and my camera isn't capture well, when outside is raining and light is not very good.
So this is all what I do in been here for week. Nice results. If there will be no rain, results will be better, but I need to take a rest a little. Today I feel a little tired of all works. So I stay in home, taking care of myself, go to make a new haircut and now go to work with notes.
Good luck,

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wow day

What a great day. In yearly morning I go to garden to take a look how daylilies looks like after strong rain, and saw few amazing daylilies in blooms. Again they are from Floyd Cove nursery bed. Gurb Appeal, Cherry Swizzler, Elfin Magic and BIG RED VAGON. What a size and color. Edge is almoust better than in photo of nursery page. I go to look at it about ten times per day and I think that I will go to see it now. But I am very tired. I dig compost and move it to new beds for seedlings. Today I done only 3 beds with compost and two of them filled with seedlings. I hope they will grow well. Seedlings are not only of daylilies. There is iris seedlings from my cross, Loic Tasquier and Iris Spuria seedlings, which i get from one great Lithuanian hybridizer - Antanas Markevičius.
  Still a lot work to do, but I am so happy to do it. What a great time, when daylilies are blooming and I can work near them, walk and see how they fell after hour, two or more from opening and or rain.Yesterday was big rainfall in there, but that just watered all garden well and doesn't make any damage.
So going to look again on my daylilies. Take care and enjoy the photo of Big Red Vagon.

Something new in my garden

 Dear readers of my blog. I am surprised that at this time I have more than 1500 views of my blog. That is very much for me. So I hope that you like my blogs and I am writing some more. And today I start my daylily summer at grandmother house. I have a lot work to do: take care of all my daylilies and seedlings of them, replant them to new beds and make longer rock hill for grandmother. So it sounds like fun summer. I have 7 new beds for seedlings. Sound like really very much. Later will take a photos and add them here to show for all of you.
At the left is my first seedling bloom this season. It cames from cross of Stella De Oro x Blue Eyes. As I search for real name of Blue Eyes, I found nothing. It has red color blooms with light line in petals and sepals as in this seedling. But shape is poor. Even a little rounder, but not very strong. After some rain Blue Eyes just melt. This seedling is stronger and I like it more. And what is more nice for me, is first seedling from cross with Stella De Oro. I make a lot crosses with it and hope to see some nice seedlings. I like the features of of Stella De Oro, so I try to add it in my hybridizing programs, which still have no straight line, as other hybridizers has. Just a first play and wait for results.

Today I am very proud to have a Grace Stamile little creations, which are so beautiful. One of it is Elfin Magic. 2010 variety with great features. I like all things in this variety. And I hope to see good grow after winter. So I start talking about new daylilies from Floyd Cove Nursery. I get order from them this spring, and I was surprised to see so big fans. Now I am surprised, that almoust all of them set scapes and some more than one. In example this variety set 3 scapes from one fan. Crazy, but cute. That one fan have few little fans inside. I don't know how to call it, a fan or a clump in a fan. Funny. What is interesting of daylilies from Floyd Cove is foliage. It is different from all over in my garden. This is low, but rich green and strong looking.
 The other surprise I have seen few days ago, when opened Cherry Swizzler. Amazing size of flower. I think this is the best spider daylily in my garden. And the scape of it much higher than other daylilies from Floyd Cove. Sad, but I can't enjoy this amazing flower very much. Early in the morning we went in trip around a little peace of Lithuania. My family love to travel and see something new in our country. So this time we go to see some hills. They are not so high as in States or other countries where is mountains, but still better than open field. So I have been on Šatrija hill, Moteraičiai hill, walking in botanical sidewalk near Varniai city and then back home. Maybe there was and some more places where I have been, but these was most impresive. View from Šatrija hill was amazing. I have not photos now, but later I can to add if anyone want to look.
 Curb Appeal. This is bonus from Floyd Cove. Amazing in picture in internet. And also nice in reality. Even not like that, but still better than mostly of my daylilies are. It starts to open yesterday. Before I went to go in midsummer festival I have seen, that this is starting to open. But when I back from it I don't see how it looks, it was too dark and I just go home to sleep and this morning I see it. The festival was great. I have seen very nice ceremony of fire when 6 mens set bonfire and some ornament from hay and wood. Amazing. Love this festival, which is great day for all Jonas and Janinas, because it is Joninės in Lithuanian. At the villiage of grandmother always was nice festival, but this year the best.
And the last, but not the worst is Dear Moon. This one is not from Floyd Cove. This is blooming today. Love green troat and big flower. One of my favorite daylily at the moment.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Robert Piątek iris bed

   At 2012 summer I get few packages with irises from Robert Piątek. One was with SDB irises and other with TB. SDB was planted in other side of garden. So today I will say only about TB's bed.
   R.Piątek garden photos inspired me to create something close to it. So in this bed is a lot bushes, on edge a small green wall and the most important Irises from Poland. Also at this bed is some my iris seedlings from first crosses. They grow there untill end flowering, and then will be replanted. So there left only TB's from Robert.
   The one sad problem about irises from Piątek is, they doesn't increase... Few set scapes, but no kids on it. So I hope I don't lost the irises after it blooms.
  There is few photos of flowers:
 Andrus (Wozniak 2001)
The color of Andrus is very nice.
Powiew Lata (Kilimnik 2004)

  Slonce Jazwin (Piątek 2009)
The color was very interesting. Some marks of brown, but I don't know if that is right, or just because of weather.
Very nice iris. This nice color makes to feel warm in cold day.

Rock Hill in my garden

At least I found the best way to grow sepmpervivums at my garden. Past years big part of my hens and chicks won't grow well. But now they look super good. Doesn't it?
There is some irises in rock hill. They love to grow there. But only one flower this year I get. But always will be other spring with more flowers.

This is new hardly cactus. I get it last year at the end of summer. All winter it grows outdoors and now it grow very well. I hope to see some blooms of it in future.
A short review of my rock hill is done. It is small, but very cute for me.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Trip with unexpected end

Today/2013.06.08/ I went in Poland with family for shopping. Yes I am from those families, who better go to Poland to buy less expensive and better foods than in Lithuania buy expensive and old. But this is not important part of this day. After that I went to meet relatives back in Lithuania. But I don't stay there long. Leave parents and sister with them and I go to meet their neighbor, famous Lithuanian hybridizer, Jonas Auksuolis Liutkevičius. He is my first mentor, and I treasure every moment spend with him. I just go to ask how his health, works and etc. And one news sad me very much. The government of Kalvarija (his town) want to take his land, where growing all the flowers, which he hybridize. That takes off all energy and healthy. And in results - he end the hybridizing works... This was shocked me. He say, that healthy and problems with land cause it. Sad, that local government do those things. I think they must to treasure this person, who gladiolus "Pupų dėdė" was in first five place in one color group at exhibition in Russia. Where all the best gladiolus was exhibited.
But this doesn't mean, that he stops any work with it. He still keep some flowers, some seedlings, wait for unbloomed and try to get ready for exhibitions in Lithuania. But from land, where all the best irises was land, he say that will take them all out. Some to himself and others just for others. So I have a possibility to get some irises from him:  Horizontas, Žydrius, Džiugas, Žaibas (varieties, which he create, but they wasn't registered), Badlands, Gnus Flash, Bewilderbeast, Decadence, Starship Enterprise, Mesmerize, Rodeo Girl, Whispering Falls, Secret Rites, Supreme Sultan, and bunch of his seedlings, which are very good. So some part of genetics from him, I treasure there, in my garden. Sad that he leave this business. And I ask him to stay there for a wile, but he said, that there is younger people, who make better works than him. They just need a good genetics. Other good news, that Liutkevičius relative this year start membership in Lithuanian flower hybridizers society and she takes a big part of flowers from Liutkevičius. He say, that she is very enthusiastic about it and may work truly good. I hope too.
So after all those diggings and talks in almost empty field, which last year was full of amazing flowers, I must to go home. I with family decided to call for some news reporters to say about this situation of Liutkevičius land. He work there for 20 years and this year, by spring he get news, that place is planed for other things. So I think this is not legal and it must be some other way.
Well time will show.
For now, he have where to take a flowers and a new "student", which will learn all about hybridizing and continue his works. I am also continue some programs with irises. If everything will be all right, in the end of this summer I will go to buy some his daylilies. He have few beauties, that I wish to have and treasure as his masterpiece and lye to my hybridizing programs.
So some serious works and worries by one day. Irises now in ground. All labeled and mapped in my notes. Well, there is other problem now. L.Tasquier said, that he will send other package with irises, and the bed, which I make for them, now is filled with Liutkevičius seedlings and varieties from him. So one genetics gets, and other may lost. I have no more space. Maybe for 10 or 15 SDB irises. Maybe I found what to dig out and make more space, if Loic still can send the irises.
Busy time. There is few photos from last year visit at Liutkevičius field:
This is that field, which now is almost empty. Only some irises left... And there is a back of J.A.Liutkevičius. Great mentor.
Bewilderbeast. This iris I get from Liutkevičius. He call it monster in Lithuanian.
Liutkevičius seedlings, which now was in my garden:

Horizontas. One of the first his variety. His goal is rich color beards. And this one has it.
Rodeo Girl. This variety comes from Schreiner's garden to Liutkevičius. Now this beauty is in my garden.
One of the finest iris I get from Liutkevičius. It is Decadence seedling, which grow well. Sad, but he doesn't give names for those seedlings. He ask me to give names. So I will give names to his honor, or some of his other flower varieties names.
Liutkevičius seedling with name Žaibas. He get almost identical kid to the pod parent, but this one stand better and grow well. So this is why he gave me a piece of it.