Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hard days

    In my last blog, I write, that I plan to remove my daylilies. So that I did this weekend. 4 days of hard work. First two days I dig out all daylilies, label them and place in boxes. Second day evening I went in grandmother garden, take a look on row, and start to add compost and make few beds for my special daylilies. Third day. In first bed I planted only seedlings, in second two named varieties. I have work until evening, when I feel so tired, that I can only go home to eat. But after dinner I get more energy and go out to make few beds for seeds. So in this photo(right) you can see covered beds with seeds. Oh, one in left (center of photo) a half is superb daylilies from FloydCove Nursery. I cover them for beginning, because I worry, that they don't like sun at first days. And all next is seedling beds. So at last one day (today) I sowed seeds, but I felt so tired, and I don't sowed all seeds today. So take all left one home in Kaunas. I will sow them there and then in summer will replant and plant in grandmother garden. For today, I think, it is enough.
   And there I show few photos as a result of few years work in large space garden. I love, when I can do not limit my creativity and plant as far as I want, and do not think, how to plant 10 fans in small place. There is even better. In photo at left is only my and my friends seedlings. Major part is my own, but also a lot of William Marchant, AHS International Seed Bank and few from Claudia Conway. Now I sowed a lot from W. Marchant, C.Conway and very much from Mick Morry. Those seeds are my best gene poll for future works. For now I have plenty my own, and will look what good they can show this year. Bottom bed covered with agro-film is my good friend and mentor - Claudia Conway seeds bed. I love all of those crosses and can't wait when they sprout. Also in there is Nina Waters seeds, which must to germinate faster, because I sown them in ground by fall. Still no marks of growing, but spring is late in there, so I doesn't expect it now. But I love, that other seedlings was so big, and green now. They are only second years old, but some have more than 4
   In right is new bed, which I make few days ago, and yesterday planted seedlings from all over the world. There is a lot of my mentioned people seedlings, but most important was from John Kulpa and Louise Niquet. They are big enough to show blooms for me this summer. So I wait for it. I hope that rain will come fast to grandmother garden, because when I leave it and take those photos, all water, which I pulled this morning was gone. But inside of ground is a lot of water, so I think, that this is not very bad. Also grandmother can to water too. Bottom photo is how all my rows of seedlings and named varieties looks like. I love this result. Now I wait for summer when they be green and start to show scapes. Then result will amaze me. I hope.
   This work is hard, but I love it. Work in garden with my favorite flowers make me feel good. All energy from them goes to me. And at last after long winter I can work in ground, play with dirt and etc.
Good luck,


  1. Looks really good so far, Ed. Can see why you would wait to sow seeds from me and MDC.

    1. Thank you, Rebecca. I have no energy today to sow more seeds. Today I sown total 400 crosses of daylilies and can't to do more. But your and MDC will be sown as soon, as I can. And that I will do at home next week.

  2. Since some seed are from previous season you might want to soak them in water for 24 to 36 hours before you plant them. This will help with germination as the seed will be hydrated before going into the ground. Some still may fail, but those that do germinate should be more even. (coming up at same time and not here and there within the same cross)

    I totally understand "no energy", that was a lot to do in one day, especially by yourself! I do remember when I could go from early morning til it got to dark. Not so anymore. Doing good to stand and re-pot seedlings for an hour at a time these day. But I have some handsome looking seedling plants coming along nicely and I will see some bloom next year!

    Looking forward to seeing bloom from some of your seedlings come summer!

    1. I am glad, you understand me. I will soak those seeds. Thanks for advise.
