Monday, July 20, 2015

My visit to States. Day one.

Dear blog readers, I am here to write a new post. First time from America. It is so nice to be here.
 Even my trip was a way more than I can understand - about 26 hours, I am already back on track. It was a way more complicated, than I found noted on some sites on Internet. I had to say for security, that I am actually passion about daylilies and only when he took my phone and start to look at pictures, he notice, that I am talking seriously. So with such a strong and complicated flight I already get nice words, that he will done with me soon and let me go in. That is so nice, because I wait for this trip a way more than I can remember. It is a big pleasure to see America. Like we used to say, better see it once, than hear for ten times.
On the right, is me in Detroit-metro airport meeting with John Kulpa. Great teeth daylily hybridizer and very nice friend. So I be in true heaven seeing him in personal and calming down after a long and complicated flight to Detroit. After our meeting I go to catch a flight to Manchester, NH, where my great friends from Running Fox Farm - Claudia and Dave Conway already wait for me to pick up.
After a really long flight I wake up early and go to beautiful garden of Running Fox Farm (owners Claudia and Dave Conway). I captured a lot of great pictures, but I have to touch some of them, because I wasn't sure, that my eye not lie to me, and feel them also.

Granny's Smokehouse                                                                         Bass Gibson

Claudine's Charm
Michael Sword
Blue Beat (Left)     Worthy of Distinction (Right)
Violet Femme Sheila
Serenity Day
Evelyn Kloeris seedling
Dragon Fang

China Clipper x Gnashing of Teeth (Left)                   Tricolor x Dragonfly Dawn(right)

Bradyn x Winter Rainbow

Bella Ruxanna(left)                                                       Totem and Taboo(right)
Bonibea Cotton Candy Swirls
Dakar x Linda's Magic
Viva Glam Girl
Maya Blue x Twiggy's Lavender
"MOE" x Violet Femme Sheila

That is all from day one. Even I have a way more photos of daylilies, but I will not bother you all. Maybe later, when I want to post my memories from this trip. Also, they need to be named correctly, because a lot of seedlings labels are hard to understand without Claudia's help. She is doing really great with those breedings. Tons of great seedlings, and garden looks perfect.
Will post more later. There are great things to bloom every day.

Best wishes from NH,
 Lithuanian daylily and iris gardener - Edvinas


  1. Edvinas - I am so glad you are visiting America. I hope you have a wonderful time and see as much of this country as you can, Iris hybridizer Pat Otterness

  2. Edvinas - I am so glad you are visiting America. I hope you have a wonderful time and see as much of this country as you can, Iris hybridizer Pat Otterness
