Sunday, October 27, 2013

Autumn in Lithuania

 I spend a lot my time in university things all the time and this time I can give all time only for myself. And what a free time without talking with you all. At first thanks for all who view and comment. I seen all comments, and have them all in mind. Today I will talk about my free time.
On the top was a new plant in my garden. As I love ornamental plants in fair I buy this nice Carex, which I hope was hardy enough for my winter.
  This autumn, after contest in Prague I had a lot possibilities to use and one of them is a new land field for my works. So one of my interest is all kinds of plants, so I spend few days after university for seeds picking. I go to arboretums, and dendro-parks. I love all kind of maples, so I collect about a thousand of seeds and as they are fresh almost all will germinate. Here I show few photos of my lovely time spent in park areas.
 This tree catch my eye and I go to look close even grass was very wet. I was shocked when I saw that this is quercus (Oak) tree.  The leaves was very nice and have like some kind a fur. I pick few leaves to my collection of leaves. I just start some new one, because leaves is get old and I do not know how to keep them in great condition.
What I like is color of autumn. I love to live in Lithuania where is a lot of trees with leaves and in autumn all of them has different colors. Like rainbow in forest. Here is a photo of color contrast. Also that tree has unusual shadow. Just take a look. It looks like square. I just go closer to take a look if that is true. And yes it is.

Lovely tree which catch all people eye. This is catalpa tree with seedpods. I pick a lot of them and they has full dose seeds.
And in end of my colorful blog without daylilies and irises, I add what I did yesterday. As I Lithuania we do not have official day called Halloween, I just want to feel the same what people in U.S. feel. Just with carved pumpkin. And this is how I imagine it.
In light and in dark. Love this creation.
Good luck, and have a nice autumn and not very cold winter.


  1. Ed, your pumpkin, now officially a Jack-o-Lantern as it is carved (quite whimsically!) and lighted. You have captured the feel of Halloween (Alls Hallow Eve in the Church) perfectly. America is quite good at making up holidays and reason's to celebrate, something!

    Catalpa trees grow fast and can be messy as well as invasive; oaks on the other hand are very slow growers and seem to be quite tender while in the seedling stage. They do not like being moved as they had a very long tap root. We didn't have much color here as we had 2 nights either at or below freezing so not turning of the leaves, only falling of the leaves, There are several nice , old Maple trees with really nice foliage an the Locust and Willow have a nice golden yellow glow. My Japanese Maple seedling has it's usual nice red color yet the adult tree has only spotty color. Of course this is more in town and out in the more rural areas Nature has been busy with her paint brush!

    Congratulations on getting more field space!

    Checked out Carex on Wikipedia: "Carex is a vast genus of over 1500 species of grassy plants[2] in the family Cyperaceae, commonly known as sedges. Other members of the Cyperaceae family are also called sedges, however those of genus Carex may be called "true" sedges, and it is the most species-rich genus in the family. The study of Carex is known as caricology." Unless you managed to get one of the two tropical types, yours should be hardy.

    Have fun! Enjoy the Fall! Btw I'll be sowing Iris seed this fall (in pans) do I wait until after the first hard freeze oe can I sow them now?

  2. Dear Rebecca, thank you for comment. At first about iris seeds. Sow them now, before big freeze. Mine in ground for three weeks and still not big frosts here. Second, trees in Lithuania are also full naked and have leaves on ground. These photos are from past few weeks. Third, thanks for information about Carex and in the end, love that my pumpkin looks good for american :D
