I spend a lot my time in university things all the time and this time I can give all time only for myself. And what a free time without talking with you all. At first thanks for all who view and comment. I seen all comments, and have them all in mind. Today I will talk about my free time.
On the top was a new plant in my garden. As I love ornamental plants in fair I buy this nice Carex, which I hope was hardy enough for my winter.
This autumn, after contest in Prague I had a lot possibilities to use and one of them is a new land field for my works. So one of my interest is all kinds of plants, so I spend few days after university for seeds picking. I go to arboretums, and dendro-parks. I love all kind of maples, so I collect about a thousand of seeds and as they are fresh almost all will germinate. Here I show few photos of my lovely time spent in park areas.
This tree catch my eye and I go to look close even grass was very wet. I was shocked when I saw that this is quercus (Oak) tree. The leaves was very nice and have like some kind a fur. I pick few leaves to my collection of leaves. I just start some new one, because leaves is get old and I do not know how to keep them in great condition.
What I like is color of autumn. I love to live in Lithuania where is a lot of trees with leaves and in autumn all of them has different colors. Like rainbow in forest. Here is a photo of color contrast. Also that tree has unusual shadow. Just take a look. It looks like square. I just go closer to take a look if that is true. And yes it is.
Lovely tree which catch all people eye. This is catalpa tree with seedpods. I pick a lot of them and they has full dose seeds.
And in end of my colorful blog without daylilies and irises, I add what I did yesterday. As I Lithuania we do not have official day called Halloween, I just want to feel the same what people in U.S. feel. Just with carved pumpkin. And this is how I imagine it.
In light and in dark. Love this creation.
Good luck, and have a nice autumn and not very cold winter.