Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spring like summer

     Let start with greetings from sunny Lithuania. I know that this is normal for some of you to see green in this time of April, but for us it is not usual. Few years back we have not melted snow at this time. But this year spring come early and very fast. Our winter was about for 3 weeks when we have low temperatures and some snow (not in all regions of Lithuania).
As always my blogs was based on photos and comments about what you see. If this is not accepted, please write advice what you want to see. For me it is easier, because I have limited time for any other activity than : studying, working, being president of Lithuania flower hybridizers society, having 3 gardens in Lithuania and being hybridizer of everything I grow. But this is fun to share my experience and show the world what is in my gardens which can visit not all of you.
I mentioned breeding everything I grow. Yes, it is true. Even you know me as hybridizer of daylilies and irises, but I also breed those plants: primula, hepatica, tree peony, muscari and etc. Just what I can, that I breed. For now I have seedpods of hepatica nobilis 'Alba' x hepatica nobilis and iris reticulata 'JS Dijt' x self.
In big weekend of Easter I visited grandmother and go to look how my daylilies look like. I was happy to see so much green in fields. There is photo of one from 3 daylily zones in garden.
That's how look daylilies from USA. I got them from Floyd Cove Nursery past spring. But that was not enough to get strong. I lost 4 great varieties, which was the best of my taste. In other hand, I am happy with that what I have now.
 Clematis recta 'Alba', one of the most unique clematis I have ever seen. This is two years old seedling
What future without seedlings. There is Iris Spuria hybrid seedlings. Sprouted after two years.
 Lilium just start to grow, but looking great.
Arisaema amurense ssp. amurense
Tree peony seedling. I see it in bloom second time. Love this way of bud.
I never thought that I get interested in ferns. Now I have three different. I show pictures of two, which look great at this time.
First time in my life I see Carex siderosticha 'Variegata' flowers. Always nice to see plant bloom for first time. Especially in my own garden.
 Cry Baby (Ritchie 1984)
Loic Tasquier seedling D030 - smell x tingle
Loic Tasquier seedling  C108A  Hot X Betty Boop . Little nice seedling.
Loic Tasquier seedling C164D Under My Thumb X Cassis . Grow like a weed. I will work with shape, bud count and color, but plant habits is nice and worth to keep.
Ajax the Less (Ensminger 1994) . I wait for this one bloom three years. Worth to wait so long. I love fragrance of this one.
Double Life (Black 2006) Something amazing for my eyes this year. I never think that this look so great. I freeze pollens of this one for next year. Truly great.
Autum Tangerine (Spoon 2002) Perfect variety. Stand very well, grow too. And bloom, oh my, just perfect.
Spark Plug (Byers 1988) Not so nice for my taste, but I like color for this time.
Ahwahnee Princess (Sutton 2004) One of the best space in SDB type.
 Nuit Câline (Tasquier 2012). When I saw picture of this one, when I got just a rhizome, I thought, that this will be simple, old type iris. But when it bloomed for me, I was trilled. Looking very nice. Triangular eye is just great.
Baby Prince (Zurbrigg 1994) Tinny iris with large bloom.
 Dark Crystal (Byers 1987) One of the darkest SDB iris I have now.
Joe Kiss (Tasquier 2013) Amazing iris. I love the way it is. Nice contrast.
Flirting Again ( Aitken 2002)
 Music (Keppel 1998) I wanted to see this one last year. But then I get frost damages and lost stalk with all blooms. But this year I have nice stand out bloom show. Amazing.
 Pause (Blyth 2001) Very interesting color combo for Small bearded iris. Look like Florentine Silk, just smaller edition.
 Sir Benjamin Dover (Price 2008) One of the best on time. Love this color.
 Voyage (Blyth 1993) I was surprised when I saw that this is one years older than me. Wow.
Wish Upon a Star (Black 2006)

  Sorry if text look old. When I start to write this blog there was Easter. So look how long I keep they all in secret just to show a bomb in one time. I hope I did this well.
Happy gardening.
Greetings from Lithuania,