2016 summer meet us with new challenges again. Last year we faced some kind of draught. But it was in summer, when all plants was at least half mature. This year draught started in spring, when most of plants need water the most. My peaty soil get dry really fast and some parts of garden is impossible to gardening at all. Main border look lush and green at the moment. Mostly of grasses started to grow pretty well. Miscanthus plants are not growing (main lost in my garden). So I have to look for something else. Molinia's look average, but Calamagrostis 'Karl Foerster' look really good. Lower grasses like Deschampsia cespitosa 'Schottand' love my conditions and grow. Sporobolus heterolepis grow slower. But I use them confidently
In autumn all meadow border should look great.
Plantings started with orders and some replanting ones. And after rain come, I start planting seedlings from last year crop. All daylilies and nothing else. Try to make separate beds for dips, tets and different hybridizers. Sadly most of them get blended with half to half bed. But it is still better than total madness in all.
Beds get filled quickly.
Later on, I found peddling mulch. All other in market has huge pieces of bark. Sadly, after huge storm, major part of it get blown away. So not the best so... However, it is stable now. Get wet and save moisture.
And final look. Already with weeds coming. But I am cleaning and planting center of circle project. I sown some sweet peas here, but because of heat and dry weather for that time, just two sprouted. So I decided to plant with some other perennials that could make nice feature in this project. And from now on I am looking fro two clematis 'Tie Dye' plants. So it will remind me of last year visit to States (Running Fox Farm).
Back to meadow border.
Papaver orientale in meadow border. Fancy in June.
Leonurus cardiaca - new plant for me. Last spring I got seeds from States. Sown in ground, and later planted in few parts of garden. Perfect background plant.
And start with DAYLILIES
This year daylily season will be filled with way more blooms than last year. I can see that more than half of all daylilies set at least a scape. So it will be glorious madness in mid-season.
And here are few early blooms.

Ruckus (Rice 2007)

Foar Bizar (Riggle 2001) 8:30 am
Foar Bizar (Riggle 2001) 10:30 am
Foar Bizar (Riggle 2001) 3:30 pm
Deep Impact (Peroni 2013)
1902-4 [Purple Pinwheel x (I Can Fly x Malachite Prism)] Gerald Hohls
Mitsu (Misiukevicius 2013)
3029-2 (Sunbear x Ruckus) Gerald Hohls