When we decided, that we are going to live here, I started to make a plans of my garden. And in the back of long and slim backyard I decided to make an Circle project. At first in my plans was daylilies. All circle of daylilies could look great. But when I start to dig, soil looked good just for irises. So all plans switched to IRIS CIRCLE. Large circle of grass make it look dramatic. Tree, that grow in it doesn't make it plane. So no centrifugal impression. Sometimes it look nice, but this area is too small to make it nice. So tree was saved and keep as part of it. Beds was arranged as sunshine first. But that doesn't look nice to me. Also, soil condition doesn't satisfy me. So while I was in States, parents bought truck of top soil without peats. Because I have enough of them in other parts of garden if I ever need. Also irises do not need them. And when I go back from States - full of inspiration started to draw some ideas of how to make it dramatic. And get inspiration from pattered daylilies or reflecting water. So I just offset circle contour to paths and make beds. So easy to maintain and reach blooms when bloom. Also from side look nice.
Other task was to add some perennials, that could bloom after main iris season. Because when irises done their show, that part of garden no longer look attractive. So make gaps for some perennials. Already I add some small verbena plants with clear blue candle blooms, few salvias, daylilies, aquilegias (Aquilegia's bloom in same time as TB irises, but there is other story. I ordered aquilegia seeds from UK National Aquilegia Collection. Seedlings do not that good. But I have several that might bloom next season.) and a lot Echinacea seedlings. Echinacea is my third favorite plant after daylilies and irises. Maybe in spring I have others to fill empty gaps. So nice to keep some small room for unexpected new plant from fair or nursery.
Panorama photo show all circle. But beds look too big. Actual they are just in borders of circle. Not that big. Circle dominate. Also in photo you can see both corners, that was behind me. So that make sense of how panorama is made.Detailed photo of my favorite part in this circle. Strong lines give formal look. I could not imagine irises in free style garden. Always look nice in classical or formal gardens. So tried to play with forms and display my irises as best as I can. Other task was to make them look as flower beds, not nursery rows. So now look even better. Even not that organized as before in straight lines, but I could get nice clumps in near future. Maybe true experts notice that they are too close to each other, but that was the best way to fit them all.
Same area, just from other point. You clearly see corners of my garden. Usually garden designers try to cover them. I did that too. I planted hedge. But it is too small to be visible in photos. But in few years it will cover that ugly fence and neighbors gardens. Street is small. Only few cars drive per hour. But still I planted it and want to cover from noisy eyes of people who stop and stare in my garden. At the moment I want to create for myself and enjoy it with my friends. But not for all. My gardening friends and people who care about my works want to see something new. And this project is recently thing I have made. From the day I go back from States. It is done for week now. But I wanted to capture it in when all beds look alike.
I planted these beds during hot and dry days. So that keep all works really slow. But inspiration was stronger and I make some nice area in my garden. Next year it will be glorious.
Thank you for reading my blog. There is almost 20 thousands views. So that is powerful. It means, that I am not alone, writing for more than my friend abroad. Now I start my third year in university. So that keep me very busy. Some huge projects. But I always find some time to enjoy my garden and try to share my joy with you all.
Best wishes,
Yours Lithuanian daylily and iris garden owner