Sunday, February 23, 2014

Early spring

Dear blog guests, thank you for catch my page and stay here for a wile. I am proud to be an owner of page with over 6000 views now. You are the best.
Today I spend about a hour outside. We have weather like in spring now, even normally each year at this time we still have lots of snow, cold and freezing temperatures and strong wind storms with snow. That how casual February looks in Lithuania. But not this year. We have winter almost without a snow, but with very cold temperatures some days. Normal winter took just 3-4 weeks and now is spring. Fogs in the morning, sun in afternoon and still some cold temperatures in the night. But by day I can enjoy first live in the garden. 
 Even daylilies still sleeping, and I can't see them all now, but I am enjoy each green leave in my garden.
My tree peony seedling looks perfect. No damaged buds, and first colors on it. Nice to see how it grows and later pops some green, and maybe some colors with blooms. Just hope.

Spuria irises going green very early, but not so much. Just wish to have no warning of frosts to uncover them from so much leaves of other plants. For now it nice cover if winter want to come back. It protects a little from damages of frosts.

Last autumn I covered all iris rhizomes with dirt and sand, but now they pop out from grass again. Look like babies of Impulsive Imp wanted to show up faster and catch some sun light.
I am not a big fan of bulb irises, but last year I buy a package of iris histrioides 'katharine hodgkin'. And they are sprouted. All of them. So nice. Hope to see any blooms of it.
Some years back I have few, but they not survived, this year I try to make some drained soil and maybe protect these.

And there is some first blooms from this year. So happy to see them and enjoy it with sunshine. I see how sun play with these blooms.
Good luck and happy spring.